2019年7月23日読了時間: 1分MaGaTaMaThis photo shows that you are making Magatama.I cut a hard stone and make it.It is said that it was made as an ornament long ago and used for rituals.ふぁんふぁんもグローバル化!英語の分かる人に聞いてみて下さい。もしくは、翻訳サイトにコピペでね!!
This photo shows that you are making Magatama.I cut a hard stone and make it.It is said that it was made as an ornament long ago and used for rituals.ふぁんふぁんもグローバル化!英語の分かる人に聞いてみて下さい。もしくは、翻訳サイトにコピペでね!!